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What do you do when you are overwhelmed?
- On March 13, 2024
- By Alanna Scott King
Have you felt overwhelmed in the last few months? I know I have.
I have had to deal with quite a lot in the last few months. I was feeling overwhelmed and emotional. I have had to release people and situations from my life that just didn’t sync with me anymore. This was pretty hard in some circumstances. I felt emotional and raw.
In some cases, it took longer than just realizing what needed to be done. I went through emotional turmoil, having to dig deep within myself. Maybe you can relate. It brought up trauma from years ago that I had buried and not dealt with.
I had to start from scratch.
It is one thing to know what to do and quite another to work through the process. There was a lot of back and forth both emotionally and mentally before letting go.
We are so good at helping others through their difficulties, aren’t we? It is so much easier to advise than to do the work.
As the saying goes,
“Do as I say, not as I do.”
I think we can all relate to that phrase at times.
It was time for me to listen to my spirit guides and spirit team and do what I needed to do. This took quite awhile for me to work through. One thing I did was ask myself,
“Why am I having such an extreme reaction to this?”
“Why is this a trigger for me?”
Some went all the way back to childhood and rejection, deservability, and judgement.
Once I worked through the core of the why in the situation, it was easier to move through it. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t easy! Healing is a constant. It is never a one and done.
You may think something is healed and years later something happens to trigger you.
Why now? Why that?
You might be wondering why I am telling you all of this.
We all have times where things fall apart. When this is happening and when we are in the middle of it, we forget that this too shall pass. It’s important to acknowledge the emotions that surface. It is equally important not to live in the past.
This is the most difficult in these times.
Visit, learn from the experience but don’t stay there. Then let it go.
The beauty of life is knowing every day is a new beginning.
Do you have techniques that help you when you are overwhelmed?
I would love to hear your suggestions if you would like to share.
Alanna Scott King
Akashic Dragon Healing